Ardgay Community Markets
Our Community Markets are over for this year. Thanks to everyone for making these a great success and so much fun.
Our final fair of the year is our annual Xmas Fair - PLEASE NOTE - postponed from Sat 23rd Nov to 1st Dec.

What are our markets about?
We are focussed on local food and local handmade crafts with each market also having themed events such as Wool, Harvest Festival, Story Telling, Repair & Reuse etc. There are also various tables to help recycle, reduce, reuse things including garden, cookery and general books, bric a brac and plant, seed garden stuff sharing.
Would you like to get involved?
Are you a local food producer or create handmade crafts locally?
Please register your interest here
2024 Ardgay Community Markets Registration Form
*****What folks said about our 2023 Markets:
* A brilliant opportunity to sell and buy local products created in the Highlands.* Lovely warm atmosphere. Thank you.
* They're friendly events, good atmosphere and attendance
* Thought it worked well, time and timings are ideal, nice mix of stalls. Great community spirit.
* Enjoyable markets - I like the themes
* Enjoyed the friendly atmosphere
Dates for 2024
Saturdays 10-12 - 11 may
Saturdays 10-12 - 8 June
Saturdays 10-12 - 13 July
SUNDAY 2-4 - 11 August (Gala Weekend)
Saturdays 10-12- 14 Sep
Saturday 10-12 - 12 Oct
(Plus our November Xmas Fair)
If you're likely to book a table at any markets, please register your interest now and get your business listed below.
**** 2024 Ardgay Community Markets Registration Form ****
Here's who to expect in 2024
Two Blue Dogs Design
Ruth Adams, Author
Heatherlea Black Cheviot
Debbie Ross, Artist and Author
The Hirsel, Farm Produce
Carolyn Gibbs, Beautiful botanical paintings and crafts
Jan Charge, Dornoch Fine Shetland Wool
Tom Pollock, Vintage and Collectables
Mario Moens, Braw Scotland
White Cottage Baking Bothy
Two Blue Dogs Designs
Jeans Plants
Janet Dell
Piesycat Crafts
Cotyki Crafts
Shamrock Thistle
Seafield Game
The Baadninish Weaver
And we'll have our regular community tables for:
Ardgay Hall, Community Garden Spare & Share, swapping garden produce, seeds, plants, food
Ardgay Hall Raffle
Cooking and Gardening book table
Bring and Buy table for swapping useful items with others.
And ofcourse, our refreshments tables to sit and watch the world go by, enjoying a cuppa and chat with friends
read more here on Facebook about our Markets